G R A P H I C • D E S I G N


G R A P H I C • D E S I G N

Pre Shoot Checklist 
to minimize time cleaning and
maximize time behind the camera.

- IF POSSIBLE Remove cars from the driveway and front of the home,
  either in the garage or down the street. Garage doors must remain closed.
- Hide garbage cans, hoses, and gardening tools.
- Mow the lawn and remove any leftover debris (twigs, branches, discernable weeds).
- Remove any toys or sports equipment from the lawn and driveway.
- Uncover pools and hot tubs if clean; skim leaves. We will turn on lights and hot tub jets.
  Please put away cleaning equipment.
- Clean and arrange outside furniture, open patio table umbrella, tidy chairs, and plump cushions.
- Remove grill cover and hide utensils.
- Sweep sidewalks, driveway, patio, decks, and pool area.
- Remove all flags, hanging ornaments, and home security signs.

- Turn on ALL lights in the house; replace burnt-out bulbs.
- Turn ON ceiling fan lights; please keep fan OFF.
- If a window has curtains, please open them. If the window has blinds,
  lower them but keep horizontal slats open.
- Turn all TVs and computer screens OFF.
- Any glass door/window/mirror should be clean and free of streaks or fingerprints.

Kitchen/Dining Room
- Recommended: Use standard dining table set up (i.e. plates, napkins, placemats, cutlery.
  Place bowl of fruit or flowers to add color, if possible).
- Clean off and wipe down all countertops.
- Remove appliances, knife blocks, toasters, etc. ONE nice, modern-looking device can stay
  (i.e., coffee maker or tea kettle on stove).
- Remove all items from the refrigerator (no magnets, pictures, etc.)
- Remove throw rugs, hanging towels, and paper towels.
- Hide garbage can, remove dishes and drain stopper.
- Straighten and tidy all chairs.

- Make all beds; use decorative pillows if available.
- Remove ALL clutter from end tables, dressers, and nightstands.
  This includes personal photos, drinking cups, alarm clocks, etc.).
- Store away the phone, tablets, charging cords, books, tissues, and other items.
- If possible, remove all personal photos.
- Address any clutter under the bed that may show in photos or video.
- Walk-in closets should be clean and kept.

- Arrange clean hand and body towels to be orderly.
- Hide all trash cans, plungers, or toilet scrubbers.
- Remove floor mats and be sure to close the toilet seat. Apply fresh toilet paper roll.
- Remove hygiene products from the counter, including bar soap, medications, and toothbrushes.
- Remove shampoos, razors, and loofahs from the shower; close the shower curtain or door.

Living Room/Family Room
- Vacuum, sweep, and mop where appropriate. This includes sweeping/dusting wooden floors.
- Tidy couches, fluff pillows, remove clutter from tables/desks.
- Dust off any screens. - Sweep wooden floors.

Any questions regarding the staging or preparation of your listing! contact me

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